Here at R.E.A.C.H we have been closely monitoring the position around the outbreak and spread of the Covid-19 Virus. We are adhering to government guidance and the published coronavirus action plan that sets out what the health and social care system should do across the UK.
Prior to the virus outbreak in the UK, R.E.A.C.H. had already distributed its own preparation to all managers across the organisation with guidance on how we will respond should the virus have an impact on the people we support and/or our staff teams. We have developed our own 3 level plan that works in parallel to the government issued & Public Health advice – erring more on the side of caution due to the nature of our services – this is now being implemented across all our services and we are constantly reviewing this.
We are collating information on both the people we support and employees who are at risk of catching the virus, along with the higher risk of having adverse effects should one of them contract the virus, our plans are in place to support all parties as best as possible.
As a diligent support provider R.E.A.C.H is always vigilant around infection control and has thorough policies and procedures in place. We have clear practical guidelines in place that are reinforced through a regular training schedule. We have constantly issued sensible advice on good hygiene but have ramped up our communication with all staff to daily messages since the outbreak. Alongside our policies and procedures now implemented about Covid-19 we have increased provisions of portable hand sanitisers gels, wall mounted products, masks, aprons, gloves and all cleaning material. Unfortunately as stock levels decline this will become harder to maintain, however soap and water is as effective.
I would like to assure you that the health and well-being of the people we support and our employees is of paramount importance and if you have any concerns please speak with either the respective Operations Managers as they will be able to provide a personalised response on how it may be affecting your relative.
For any enquiries please contact Allison Jack (Bucks Operations Manager) or Karolina Burman (South Bucks & Berkshire Operations Manager)